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Welcome to the registration page. Registration is required to use Scan My Area, and also prepopulates the site feedback form and may be used for additional developments in the future.

Your "username" is your unique hidden identity on this site; you can use either this username or your email to sign in. The username must contain only letters and/or numbers (without spaces or punctuation), and cannot be changed after registration.

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  • Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
  • Passwords must have at least one lowercase character ('a'-'z').
  • Passwords must have at least one non alphanumeric character
  • Passwords must have at least one uppercase character ('A'-'Z').
Newsletter Subscriptions

If you would like to receive content including e-mailed newsletters and bulletins from HAUC & GeoPlace going forward, please opt in by selecting 'Yes' below:

As part of registration you must read and accept the disclaimer surrounding content on the HAUC App and Terms of Use in relation to the Scan My Area Functionality.

HAUC APP Content Disclaimer

This site is based upon the opinions and knowledge of HAUC(UK) members and therefore has no legal or statutory authority and is not intended to be a definitive or complete statement of the applicable law. It is always advisable to seek the advice of your own Streetworks or legal team before engaging in any works, to ensure that you understand and comply with the legal requirements which are applicable to your organisation and circumstances.  Reference should always be made to any applicable legislation, Codes of Practice and Statutory Guidance. 

The information on this site is general guidance only, and is not intended to replace specific legal advice. None of HAUC(UK), its members, or GeoPlace, accept any liability for any action or omission taken based on any guidance on (or accessed via) this website/app.