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Guidance for people who are hard of hearing: Before works

Pre enabling works ahead of time enables us to see the potential risks we have on works and how we can minimise the risks to those who need additional help. This section is for surveyors, enabling operatives and any staff who are able to get to sites to complete assessments of the road network ahead of works to look at bus routes, diversions and potential areas where we would need to provide alternative walkways. This guide shows you what to consider and how to communicate with members of the public to ascertain additional requirements.

For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, the dangers of a site may not be as obvious. This means we must be prepared to support and provide guidance through our sites, to help them to understand how to remain safe as they navigate around.

In planning you must make sure that:

  • Footway and carriageways are in a good state.
  • Walkways are set up as per legislation to ensure safe passage.
  • Ramps that will be in use are stable and secure, with walkways wide enough to allow full swing for negotiating sites safely.
  • Diversions do not put the public in danger – do not divert through underpasses or dimly lit areas.
  • Changes to access and impacts on transport (Bus Stops etc), are known with people on site able to explain those changes.

Talk about what dangers and risks there may be for who are deaf or  hard of hearing that will need to navigate around your site, ensure that you plan for clear signage.

Make sure you account for changes to transport routes. Remember, those routes aren’t set by us, but this information is key to ensuring accessibility to vital services and ensuring safe Street and Road works.

Further guidance