Sites that are unoccupied at any time still require the traffic management to be routinely checked and maintained. The frequency of checks should be determined by the level of risk. The frequency and timing of checks might also need to be set to meet local circumstances.
Sites meeting the following criteria must be checked at least once every 24 hour period:
traffic-sensitive roads;
sites where the carriageway or footway is likely to be busy, including:
high-volume pedestrian areas;
pubs and clubs;
schools and colleges;
commuter routes and traffic-sensitive areas;
sports grounds and concert venues;
sites where vandalism is found to be a problem;
when adverse weather conditions, particularly high winds, are forecast;
sites containing risks, including:
deep excavations;
exposed services;
trench crossings;
plant and machinery;
portable traffic signals;
when pedestrian crossing, footway or road closures are present; and
when results of previous checks indicate problems
This minimum level of checking must be increased if required by the level of assessed risk.
Any problems must be dealt with immediately upon discovery.