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- S8.6.1
- For all footways, footpaths and cycle tracks, the base and edge preparation must comply with S6.8.
- S8.6.2
- For all concrete footways, footpaths and cycle tracks, the treatment of any cracking must comply with the requirements of S7.5.12 (3).
- S8.6.3
- For all footways, footpaths and cycle tracks, where trim-lines for the reinstatement edges are within 150 mm of an edge, kerb, ironwork or other reinstatements, the trim-lines must be extended to the interface of the edge, kerb etc. This additional reinstatement may be confined to the surface course provided lower courses have not been damaged. In this case, the surface thickness must match the existing. If the lower layers have been damaged, the trim line must include all layers and these must be fully reinstated in accordance with this Code. See Figure S8.1.
- S8.6.4
- Fixed features in the footway such as sign posts, lamp columns, stop-cock valve boxes, etc. that are less than 250 mm diameter or 250 mm wide on the side facing the reinstatement are exempt from the trim-line extension.