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Before opening any works to traffic, all traffic signs, road markings, studs and verge markers removed during the works must be reinstated to a permanent or temporary standard. Temporary traffic signs, road markings, studs and verge markers are permitted for a maximum of 15 working days following completion of the permanent reinstatement.
All traffic signs, road markings, studs and verge markers removed during works must be reinstated at their original locations wherever possible. Where this is not possible, they must be permanently reinstated to a new layout in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual and the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions.
Where the layout of existing traffic signs, road markings, studs or verge markers is not in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual and the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions, and the authority notifies the undertaker before starting the works, the layout of all traffic signs, road markings, studs or verge markers to be reinstated following the works must be determined by agreement. In this event, if the authority provides new traffic signs, studs or verge markers to replace obsolete or previously damaged items removed during the works, the undertaker must install them as part of the permanent reinstatement of the works.