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Out of Hours Address Book
Report Road Worker Abuse
The Red Book
Part 1: Basic Principles
Using this Code
Training and Competence
Risk Assessment
Part 2: Operations
Before going to site
Works Instructions
At the work site
Before you start
Arriving on site
Advanced signing
Coned area
Information board
End sign
Variable message signs
Setting out the works
Sequence for setting out signs
Footway and footpath works – look after pedestrians
Cycle routes – look after cyclists
Equestrian routes – look after horse riders
Carriageway works
Works on single carriageway roads
Works on dual carriageways with a speed limit of 50 mph or more
Works on dual carriageways with a speed limit of 40 mph or less
Works at road junctions
Works at roundabouts
Works at pedestrian, cycle (Toucan) and equestrian crossings
Works in a bus lane
Traffic control
Traffic control near railway level crossings
Works at or near traffic signal controlled junction or pedestrian crossing
Traffic control by ‘give and take’
Traffic control by priority signs
Traffic control by Stop/Go boards
Traffic control by portable traffic signals
Traffic control and speed reduction
Use of convoy working
Traffic control by road closure
Traffic control for temporary obstruction of the carriageway
Tramways and railways
Working near tramways
Works at or near railway level crossings
Works over and under railways
Works adjacent to railways
Checking and maintaining sites
Attended sites
Unattended sites (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Unattended sites (Scotland)
Removing the works
Mobile works and short-duration works
Mobile works
Short-duration works
Risk assessment
Vehicle requirements
Part 3: Equipment and vehicles
High visibility clothing
Signs and cones
Warning lights
Pedestrian barriers
Pedestrian barriers (Scotland)
Footway ramps
Footway boards
Temporary covers over excavations
Road plates
Vehicles (England and Northern Ireland)
Vehicles (Scotland and Wales)
Basic signs and equipment you will need
Other signs that you may need
Setting out site
Activity Guidance
Alerts and Documents
HAUC(UK) Guidance Bulletin 49: Can You See It Yet? Visibility Distances for Advance Signs
HAUC(UK) Guidance Bulletin 50: Ensuring We Meet Our Environmental Obligations!
SROH Fourth Edition
Preamble (S0)
General (S0.1)
Outline of the specification (S0.2)
Outline of the appendices (S0.3)
Outline of the Notes for Guidance (S0.4)
Using the specification and appendices (S0.5)
Operational principles (S1)
General (S1.1)
Guarantee period (S1.2)
Road categories (S1.3)
Footway, footpath and cycle track categories (S1.4)
Excavation and trench categories (S1.5)
Alternative options (S1.6)
Immediate works (S1.7)
Apparatus in roads, footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (S1.8)
Geosynthetic materials, geotextiles and reinforcement grids (S1.9)
Trees (S1.10)
Conciliation and arbitration (S1.11)
Performance requirements (S2)
General (S2.1)
Surface profile (S2.2)
As-laid profile
Edge depression
Surface depression
Surface crowning
Combined defect
Condition at end of guarantee period
Fixed features (S2.3)
As-laid profile
Surface regularity (S2.4)
Structural integrity (S2.5)
Cumulative settlement
Bad ground
Skid resistance (S2.6)
Texture depth
Polished Stone Value (PSV)
Aggregate Abrasion Value (AAV)
Sampling and testing (S2.7)
Works in deteriorated or distressed areas (S2.8)
Excavation (S3)
Breaking the surface (S3.1)
Excavation (S3.2)
Excavated material (S3.3)
Side support (S3.4)
Drainage (S3.5)
Shallow or aborted excavations (S3.6)
Mole ploughing and trenchless pipelaying (S3.7)
Surround to apparatus (S4)
General (S4.1)
Backfill (S5)
Backfill material classification (S5.1)
Alternative reinstatement materials (ARMs) (S5.2)
Additional requirements (S5.3)
Frost heave susceptibility
Maximum particle size
Surround to apparatus as backfill
Protective measures to apparatus
Flexible and composite roads (S6)
Reinstatement methods (S6.1)
Method A – All permanent reinstatement
Method B – Permanent binder course reinstatement
Method C – Permanent base reinstatement
Method D – Permanent sub-base reinstatement
Method E – Permanent reinstatement incorporating interim surface overlay
Other reinstatement methods
Alternative reinstatement materials
Sub-base reinstatement (S6.2)
Base reinstatement (S6.3)
CBGM base in flexible and composite roads
Base equivalence
Modular materials within the excavation
Surface reinstatement (S6.4)
Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) surface
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and thin surface course systems (TSCS)
Asphalt concrete surface course materials
Asphalt concrete binder course materials
Other bituminous materials
Surface treatments
Coated chippings
Composite roads
Small openings, narrow trenches and access chamber covers (S6.5)
Micro trenching (S6.6)
Installation of ducts/cables
Backfilling and reinstatement
Materials specification
Large diameter cores (S6.7)
Coring and removal of large diameter cores
Backfill and granular sub-base compaction
Core reinstatement and bonding
Base and edge preparation (S6.8)
Base preparation
Edge preparation
Tolerances (S6.9)
Rigid and modular roads (S7)
Reinstatement methods (S7.1)
Sub-base reinstatement (S7.2)
Concrete road slab reinstatement (S7.3)
Large diameter cores (S7.4)
Edge support and preparation (S7.5)
Edge taper support
Dowel bar support
Edge preparation
Reinforcement (S7.6)
No reinforcement in existing concrete
Reinforcement in existing concrete
Overlays (S7.7)
Surface reinstatement
Modular roads (S7.8)
Tolerances (S7.9)
Footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (S8)
Reinstatement methods (S8.1)
Method A – All permanent reinstatement
Method B – Permanent binder course reinstatement
Method C – Permanent base reinstatement
Method D – Permanent sub-base reinstatement
Method E – Permanent reinstatement incorporating interim surface overlay
Alternative reinstatement materials
Sub-base reinstatement (S8.2)
Small openings and narrow trenches
Alternative reinstatement materials (ARMs)
Reinstatements adjacent to roads
Surface reinstatement (S8.3)
High duty and high amenity areas
Areas surfaced with bituminous materials
Areas constructed in concrete
Modular footways, footpaths and cycle tracks
Special materials
Micro trenching (S8.4)
Large diameter cores (S8.5)
Edge requirements (S8.6)
Vehicular trafficking (S8.7)
Commercial access
Domestic access
Other trafficking
Tolerances (S8.8)
Verges and unmade ground (S9)
General (S9.1)
Adjacent road structures (S9.2)
Cultivated areas (S9.3)
Grassed areas (S9.4)
Verges, ditches and drainage courses (S9.5)
Compaction requirements (S10)
Introduction (S10.1)
Compaction of materials (S10.2)
Unbound granular and cohesive materials
Alternative reinstatement materials (ARMs)
Bituminous materials
Hydraulically bound materials, CBGM base and concrete
Modular surfacing materials
Equipment operation and restrictions (S10.3)
Hand rammers
Mechanical pole tampers
Percussive rammers
Vibrating rollers
Vibrating plate compactors
Other compaction equipment
Ancillary activities (S11)
Traffic signs, road markings, studs and verge markers (S11.1)
Traffic signs, studs and verge markers
Road markings – General
Road markings – Small openings
Street furniture and special features (S11.2)
Traffic sensors, etc. (S11.3)
Water-related matters (S11.4)
Sewers, drains and tunnels
Water egress (reinstatements)
Water egress (street surface and utility apparatus)
Ironwork in roads, footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (S11.5)
Access covers, frames and surround
Reinstatement materials
Typical construction details
Reinstatements around and between small features
Test holes (S11.6)
50 mm diameter or less
50 to 150 mm diameter
Remedial works (S12)
General (S12.1)
Safety requirements (S12.2)
Repair of cracking (S12.3)
Interface cracking
Cracking beyond reinstatement limits
Repair of interface cracking
Cracking within high friction surfaces
Repair of settlement beyond reinstatement limits (S12.4)
Repair of other significant defects (S12.5)
Backfill materials (Appendix A1)
Class A – Graded granular materials (A1.1)
Class B – Granular materials (A1.2)
Class C – Cohesive/granular materials (A1.3)
Class D – Cohesive materials (A1.4)
Class E – Unacceptable materials (A1.5)
Field identification tests (A1.6)
Field identification test No 1 – Silt identification
Field identification test No 2 – Clay condition
Field identification test No 3 – Granular condition
Field identification test No 4 – Granular grading
Key to materials (Appendix A2)
Introduction (A2.0)
Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) mixtures (A2.1)
Surface course mixtures
HRA binder course mixtures
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures (A2.2)
Surface course mixtures
SMA binder course mixtures
Asphalt concrete mixtures (A2.3)
Surface course mixtures
Binder course mixtures
Cold-lay surfacing materials (A2.4)
Permanent cold-lay surfacing materials (PCSMs)
Deferred set mixtures (DSMs)
Flowable materials (A2.5)
Polymer modified mastic asphalt (PMMA)
Foamed concrete for reinstatements (FCR)
Reinstatement materials for micro trenches (A2.6)
Specification for granular material
Specification for indicator infill material
Specification for surface infill material
Structural layer thickness tolerances (A2.7)
Compacted lift thickness (A2.8)
Bituminous mixtures
Non-bituminous materials
Bituminous laying temperatures (A2.9)
Identification of structural layers (A2.10)
Road structures
Footway, footpath and cycle track structures
Key to reinstatement materials (A2.11)
Key to reinstatement methods (A2.12)
Summarised selection process for hot lay flexible materials (A2.13)
Flexible roads (Appendix A3)
Composite roads (Appendix A4)
Rigid roads (Appendix A5)
Modular roads (Appendix A6)
Footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (Appendix A7)
Compaction requirements (Appendix A8)
Granular, cohesive and cement bound materials (A8.1)
Chalk materials (A8.2)
Bituminous mixtures (A8.3)
Alternative reinstatement materials and technologies (Appendix A9)
Introduction (A9.1)
General requirements for ARMs and ATs (A9.2)
Structural materials for reinstatements (SMRs) (A9.3)
Permitted uses of SMRs
General requirements for SMRs
Requirements for FSMRs
Requirements for NFSMRs
SMR material production
Treated materials for fills (TMFs) (A9.4)
Permitted use of TMFs
Overall requirements for TMFs
TMF production
Outline scheme for approval trials (A9.5)
General requirements, special considerations and duties of parties to approval trials
Suggested information for inclusion in approval trial agreement
Additional standard materials (Appendix A10)
General (A10.0)
Modified Type 1F Unbound Mixture (0/20) (A10.1)
Hydraulically bound materials (HBMs) (A10.2)
Storage of constituents at the central mixing hub
Laboratory mixture design procedure for HBM
Mixture performance requirements
Requirements for production, storage and transport of HBMs
Production control testing and checks
Requirements for placement, compaction, protection and overlay
Method Statement
Product Equivalence (Appendix 11)
Reinstatement of modular surface layers (Appendix A12)
Interim reinstatement (A12.1)
Permanent reinstatement (A12.2)
Requirements for natural material modules
Infills in modular reinstatements
Provision of replacement modules (A12.3)
Joint inspections and recovery of costs (A12.4)
Operational principles (NG1)
General (NG1.1)
Guarantee period (NG1.2)
Road categories (NG1.3)
Excavation and trench categories (NG1.5)
Alternative options (NG1.6)
Immediate works (NG1.7)
Apparatus within the road structure (NG1.8)
Geosynthetic materials, geotextiles and reinforcement grids (NG1.9)
Trees (NG1.10)
Performance requirements (NG2)
Surface profile (NG2.2)
Fixed features (NG2.3)
Surface regularity (NG2.4)
Structural integrity (NG2.5)
Skid resistance (NG2.6)
Works in deteriorated or distressed areas (NG2.8)
Excavation (NG3)
Breaking the surface (NG3.1)
Excavation (NG3.2)
Side support (NG3.4)
Surround to apparatus (NG4)
General (NG4.1)
Backfill (NG5)
Backfill material classification (NG5.1)
Additional requirements (NG5.3)
Flexible and composite roads (NG6)
Sub-base reinstatement (NG6.2)
Base reinstatement (NG6.3)
Surface reinstatement (NG6.4)
Reinstatement of small openings and narrow trenches (NG6.5)
Micro trenches (NG6.6)
Large diameter cores (NG6.7)
Base and edge preparation (NG6.8)
Rigid and modular roads (NG7)
Reinstatement methods (NG7.1)
Concrete road slab reinstatement (NG7.3)
Edge support and preparation (NG7.5)
Reinforcement (NG7.6)
Modular roads (NG7.8)
Footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (NG8)
Sub-base and binder course reinstatement (NG8.2)
Surface reinstatement (NG8.3)
Verges and unmade ground (NG9)
General (NG9.1)
Compaction requirements (NG10)
Introduction (NG10.1)
Compaction of materials (NG10.2)
Equipment operation and restrictions (NG10.3)
Ancillary activities (NG11)
Traffic signs, road markings, studs and verge markers (NG11.1)
Street furniture and special features (NG11.2)
Traffic sensors etc. (NG11.3)
Water-related matters (NG11.4)
Ironwork and apparatus (NG11.5)
Key to materials (NGA2)
Introduction (NGA2.0)
Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) mixtures (NGA2.1)
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures (NGA2.2)
Asphalt concrete mixtures (NGA2.3)
Structural layer thickness tolerances (NGA2.7)
Bituminous laying temperatures (NGA2.9)
Selection process for hot lay flexible materials (NGA2.13)
Sections NGA3-NGA7
Compaction requirements (NGA8)
Bituminous mixtures (NGA8.3)
Alternative reinstatement materials and technologies (NGA9)
Introduction (NGA9.1)
General requirements for ARMs and ATs (NGA9.2)
Treated materials for fills (TMFs) (NGA9.4)
Outline scheme for the approval trials (NGA9.5)
Additional standard materials (NGA10)
General (NGA10.0)
Hydraulically bound materials (HBMs) (NGA10.2)
Reinstatement of modular surfaces (NGA12)
General (NGA12.1)
Examples of cement or concrete infills (NGA12.2)
Examples of reinstatement of modular patterns (NGA12.3)
SROH Electric Vehicle Addendum
Amendments to the Existing SROH
Operational Principles (S1)
Apparatus in roads, footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (S1.8)
Fixed Features (S2.3)
As-laid profile
Footways, footpaths and cycle tracks (S8)
Street furniture and special features (S11.2)
Ironwork in roads, footways, footpaths and cycle tracks and cable channels in footways and footpaths (S11.5)
Access covers, frames and surround
Reinstatement materials
Typical construction details
Reinstatements around and between small features
Performance Requirements (NG2)
Fixed Features (NG2.3)
Ancillary activities (NG11)
Ironwork and apparatus (NG11.5)
Vulnerable Road Users
Working with visually impaired people in mind
Working with visually impaired people in mind: Before works
Working with visually impaired people in mind: During works
Guidance for people who are hard of hearing
Guidance for people who are hard of hearing: Before works
Guidance for people who are hard of hearing: During works
Working with wheelchair users in mind
Working with wheelchair users in mind: Before works
Working with wheelchair users in mind: During works
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SROH Fourth Edition
Performance requirements (S2)
Surface regularity (S2.4)
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