You can use priority signs only when all of the following apply:
- the speed limit is 60 mph or less;
- the length of the works from first cone to last cone is 80 metres or less;
- two-way traffic flow is no more than 42 vehicles counted over 3 minutes (840 veh/h); and
- drivers approaching from either direction have visibility before and beyond the works as shown in the table below.
Speed limit of road | Visibility before and beyond works |
30 mph or less | 60 m |
40 mph | 70 m |
50 mph | 80 m |
60 mph | 100 m |
Warning: The sign and supplementary plate ‘Give way to oncoming vehicles’ must be positioned on the same side of the road as the works.
A ‘Give way to oncoming vehicles’ roundel in conjunction with a supplementary ‘End’ plate should be considered where the works are more than 50 metres long and the nature of the works obscures the view of the road downstream of the single file lane. Use of this sign combination can also be considered where the site extends well past the priority section such that the ‘End of road works’ sign is over 100 metres from the end of priority working.
If the ‘Give way to oncoming vehicles’ sign is used, then the ‘Priority over oncoming vehicles’ sign must be placed for traffic flowing in the opposite direction (see figure below).

- For numbers and minimum size of cones, and dimensions D, L, S and E, see table in the Setting out site section of this Code.
- An information board (omitted here for clarity) must be displayed.
- See the Traffic control section of this Code for guidance on unobstructed width past the works.
- A supplementary distance plate is required for roads with a speed limit of 50 mph or more.
- For roads with a speed limit of 50 mph or more an assessment should be made as to whether 'for' and a distance should be included on a supplementary plate.
The end of the priority section must be marked with a ‘Priority over oncoming vehicles’ sign in conjunction with a supplementary ‘End’ plate.