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Reinstatement materials


Reinstatement materials

Reinstatements around ironwork and cable channels must comply with S4, S5, S6 for flexible roads, S7 for rigid and modular roads, S8 for footpaths, footways and cycle tracks. In addition, clauses S11.5.4 to S11.5.6 include alternative options specific to reinstatement around ironwork and apparatus, including cable channels.
Bedding materials that require curing for strength gain must be allowed to cure before constructing the next layer.
Bedding materials used in reinstatements
  1. Bedding material, including C32/40 strength concrete may be used to fill the excavation to within 100 mm of the road surface and within 350 mm of the edge of the access chamber frame cover.
  2. To provide a long service life in high stress areas such as braking and turning areas, consideration should be given to the use of PMMA (see S6.5.6 to S6.5.10).

Backfill and sub-base

Backfill and sub-base may be:
  1. concrete with a Product Acceptance Scheme certificate. Installation and curing must be carried out as per the requirements in the certification. The substrate must be pre-wetted, and any standing water removed.
  2. PMMA (see S6.5.6 to S6.5.10)
  3. substituted by bedding materials (see S11.5.4.).


Surfacing materials may be:
  1. PCSM: must comply with A2.4. and must be suitable for reinstatements around ironwork / cable channels. Compaction must be in accordance with A8. Before application, the outside of the frame and all exposed edges and joints must be primed with an edge sealant (see S6.8).
  2. Asphalt: complying with CD 534. In accordance with S6. Also refer to A2 to A4.
  3. PMMA (see S6.5.6 to S6.5.10)
  4. Surface infill material allowed in micro trenches (see S6.6.21)