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Reinstatement methods (S7.1)


When the total thickness of any bituminous overlay is 100 mm or more, it must be reinstated as a composite road in accordance with S6.
Some road constructions incorporating special design philosophies are outside the scope of this Code and reference should be made to NG 7.1.
The undertaker must carry out the reinstatement in accordance with one of the following methods and should endeavour to achieve the greatest degree of immediate permanent reinstatement. Reinstatement methods are listed in Table A2.10.
Permitted materials and layer thickness are specified in A1, A2, A5, A6, A9, A10 and A12.
Where the authority knows of any site with aggressive ground conditions it should advise undertakers in advance of the works so that appropriate measures may be taken.
Micro trenching in rigid and modular roads requires approval via A9, (materials and technology).

Method A – All permanent reinstatement

The excavation and concrete road slab must be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit. The bituminous overlay must not be laid until the cured road slab has achieved a compressive strength of ≥ 25 N/mm2.

Method B – Permanent binder course reinstatement

Not applicable

Method C – Permanent base reinstatement

Not applicable

Method D – Permanent sub-base reinstatement

The backfill and sub-base must be reinstated to a permanent standard at the first visit.
In the interim period, the concrete road slab and overlay (if existing) can only be reinstated with a bound material. The interim surfacing must be a bound material to a thickness of 100 mm or 50 mm as shown in Figures A5.1 to A5.3.
On the second visit, all interim materials must be removed to the top of the sub-base and a permanent concrete road slab reinstated. The road slab must be in accordance with S7.3. Any overlay may be reinstated to an interim standard in accordance with the relevant requirements of S6.1.9 to S6.1.11.
At a later date, any interim overlay must be removed to the top of the concrete road slab and a permanent overlay must be reinstated.

Method E – Permanent reinstatement incorporating interim surface overlay

Any bituminous surface overlay may be reinstated to an interim standard in accordance with the relevant requirements of S6.1.9 to S6.1.11.
At a later date, any interim bituminous overlay must be removed to the top of the concrete road slab and a permanent bituminous overlay reinstated.

Alternative reinstatement materials

ARMs may be used on rigid roads in accordance with A9.