Out of Hours Address Book
Name | Phone Number | Type | Country |
Name | Phone Number | Email | Type | Country | ||
1310 Ltd | 0333 3001310 | hello@1310.io |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Abovenet Communications UK Ltd | (+1) 866 3646033 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Advanced Electricity Networks Ltd | 01376 312520 | enquiries@advancedelectricitynetworks.co.uk |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Affinity Water | 0345 3572407 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Affinity Water - C | 0345 3572407 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Affinity Water - East | 0345 3572407 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Affinity Water - South East | 0345 3572407 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Airband Community Internet Ltd | 01905 676121 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
AJ Technology Ltd | 0333 9961000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Allpoints Fibre Networks Limited | 0800 5385542 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Anglian Water | 0800 771881 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Arqiva Ltd | 0333 0328000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council | 01226 773555 | streetworks@barnsley.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bath & North East Somerset Council | 01225 394041 | street_works@bathnes.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bedford Borough Council | 01234 718003 | streetworks@bedford.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bedford Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | Highways.Helpdesk@bedford.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Birmingham City Council | 0121 3034149 | TMApprovals@birmingham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Birmingham City Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highwayspermitmanagement@birmingham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Blackburn With Darwen Borough Council | 01254 585585 | streetworks@blackburn.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Blackpool Borough Council | 01253 477600 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council | 01495 311556 | streetworks@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Boldyn Networks Infrastructure Limited | 0203 934 9311 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council | 01204 336900 | streetworks@bolton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council (B/Mouth & Christchurch Only) | 01202 123456 | streetworks@bcpcouncil.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council (Poole Only) | 0800 506050 | streetworks@bcpcouncil.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Box Broadband Ltd | 01483 904123 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Bracknell Forest Council | 01344 352000 | highwaynetwork.management@bracknell-forest.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bridgend County Borough Council | 01656 643643 | streetworks@bridgend.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Brighton & Hove City Council | 01273 292229 | permit.admin@brighton-hove.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bristol City Council | 01179 223288 | traffic@bristol.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Bristol Waterworks Company | 0345 7023797 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Broadband For The Rural North Ltd | 01524 555887 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Brsk Limited | 02039 255299 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
BT | 0800 023 2023 (option 1) | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Bury Metropolitan Borough Council | 0161 2536606 | streetworks@bury.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cadent Gas | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Caerphilly County Borough Council | 01443 875500 | highwayslicence@caerphilly.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Caerphilly County Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01443 866511 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council | 01422 288000 | streetworks@calderdale.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highwaysandengineering@calderdale.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Cambridge Fibre Networks Ltd | 01223 622909 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Cambridge Water Company | 01223 706050 (option 4) | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Cambridgeshire County Council | 0345 0455212 | street.works@cambridgeshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cambridgeshire County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highways@cambridgeshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Carmarthenshire County Council | 0300 3332222 | eedstreetcare@carmarthenshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Cellnex OT UK | 0204 5268553 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Central Bedfordshire Council | 0300 300 8049 | streetworks@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Central Bedfordshire Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | customer.services@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Ceredigion County Council | 01970 625277 | hpw.streetworks@ceredigion.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Cheshire East Council | 0300 1235025 | cehstreetworks@cheshireeasthighways.org |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cheshire West and Chester Council | 0300 1237036 | Engstreetworks@cheshirewest.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City And County Of Swansea Council | 01792 841654 | Highways@swansea.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | 0300 300 8049 | streetworks@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | customer.services@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of Cardiff Council | 029 20872087 | highways@cardiff.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
City Of Doncaster Council | 01302 737199 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of London Corporation | Not available | Streetworksteam@cityoflondon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of London Telecomms | 020 73903900 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
City Of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council | 0345 8506506 | raswa@wakefield.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | customerservices@wakefield.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of Wolverhampton Council | 07578 488945 | NRSWA@wolverhampton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
City Of York Council | 01904 551550 | ycc@york.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cityfibre Metro Networks Ltd | 0800 2986267 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Community Fibre Limited | 0800 0820770 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Connect Fibre (Fibre Assets Ltd) | 01223 080790 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Connexin Limited | 01482 363738 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Conwy County Borough Council | 0300 123 3079 | erf@conwy.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited | 0800 0843454 (option 1) | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Cornwall Council | 0300 1234222 | streetworks@cornwall.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Council Of The Isles Of Scilly | 0300 1234105 | enquiries@scillary.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
County Broadband Ltd | 01376 562002 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Coventry City Council | 07903 095442 | temptm@coventry.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cumberland | 0300 3733736 | streetworks@cumberland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn | 01248 723062 | pem@ynysmon.llyw.cymru |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Darlington Borough Council | 07966 347101 | inspectorsdefects@darlington.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Derby City Council | 07812 300051 | roadworks@derby.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Devon County Council | 0345 1551004 | highwaycoordination-mailbox@devon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
DfI (flooding) | 0300 2000100 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
Northern Ireland |
false | |
Dfl Northern Ireland | 0300 2007899 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Northern Ireland |
false | |
Digital Infrastructure | 0333 1210505 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Dorset Council | 01305 221020 | trafficteam@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council | 0300 555 8283 | dudleycouncilplus@dudley.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 0300 555 2345 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Durham County Council | 03000 260000 | streetworks@durham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
E S Pipelines Ltd | 0330 1234201 | Not available |
Utility: Water Utility: Gas Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
E-Volve Solutions Ltd | 0800 6406343 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
East Riding Of Yorkshire Council | 01482 393939 | streetworks@eastriding.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
East Riding Of Yorkshire Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01482 395050 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
East Sussex County Council | 0345 6080193 | networkmanagement@eastsussexhighways.com |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Eclipse Power Networks Limited | 0800 0548192 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
EE Ltd | 0800 0798586 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Electricity Network Company Limited | 01359 302255 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Electricity North West Limited (Norweb) | 0800 1954141 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Energy Assets Networks Limited (Formerly Utility Distribution Networks) | 01506 425362 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Energy Assets Pipelines Ltd | 01506 405405 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England |
false | |
ESP Electricity | 01372 587500 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Essex And Suffolk Water | 0345 7820999 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Essex County Council | 0345 603 7631 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Esso Pipelines | 0800 136812 | Not available |
Oil Pipeline Network |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Eunetworks | 020 79521300 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Northern Ireland |
false | |
Exascale Limited | 0330 0100140 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Exponential-E Limited | 0845 2306001 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Fibre & Wireless Networks | 0808 1681616 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Fibrewave Networks Ltd | 01304 799992 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Fibrus Networks GB Ltd | 0800 0991111 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Flintshire County Council | 01352 701234 | streetworks@flintshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Freedom Fibre Limited | 0161 2224040 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Fulcrum Electrical Assets Limited | 03330 146466 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Fulcrum Pipelines Limited | 03330 146466 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England |
false | |
Full Fibre Limited | 0333 121 0505 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Fusion Fibre Group | 0333 3057560 (option 2) | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
G. Network Communications Ltd | 0203 9094555 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Gas Transportation Co Ltd | 01359 302255 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council | 0191 4333000 | streetworks@gateshead.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Gigability Infra Limited | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Gigaclear Limited | 01865 591131 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Glide Business Ltd (Formely Warwicknet Ltd) | 0333 1230115 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Global Reach Networks Limited | 0330 8001000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Gloucestershire County Council | 08000 514514 | streetworks@gloucestershire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Gloucestershire County Council | 08000 514514 | streetworks@gloucestershire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Gofibre Holdings Limited | 0800 0590980 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Grain Communications Limited (Formerly Solway Communications Limited) | 0333 0413300 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Gwynedd Council (Arfon) | 01286 677 067 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Gwynedd Council (Dwyfor) | 01766 810 382 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Gwynedd Council (Meirionnydd) | 01341 422 592 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Hampshire County Council | 0300 5551388 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Harlaxton Energy Networks Limited | 0800 0556288 | Not available |
Utility: Water Utility: Gas Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Harlaxton Gas Networks Limited | 0845 3358897 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Hartlepool Borough Council | 01429 266522 | Highways@hartlepool.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Herefordshire Council | 01432 261800 | hereford.streetworks@bblivingplaces.com |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Hertfordshire County Council | 01432 261800 | hereford.streetworks@bblivingplaces.com |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Hull City Council | 01482 300 300 | info@hullcc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Hull City Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | HCCPermitScheme@hullcc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Hutchison 3G Ltd | 0333 3381004 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Hyperoptic Ltd | 0333 3321111 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Icosa Water | 0800 7311888 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Independent Distribution Connection Specialists Limited | 01622 933399 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Independent Water Networks Ltd | 02920 028711 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Indigo Pipelines (Formerly SSE Pipelines Ltd) | 0118 4362510 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Indigo Power | 0118 4362510 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Internetty.UK | 0333 1020000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Interoute (Formerly I-21 Holdings Ltd) | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
IPM Comms | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Isle Of Anglesey County Council | 01248 723 062 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Isle Of Wight Council | 01983 822440 | info@islandroads.com |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
ITS Technology Group Limited | 0333 9962100 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
IX Wireless Limited | 01772 921921 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Jurassic Fibre Limited | 01392 345600 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Kent County Council | 03000 419191 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Kingston Comms (Hull) | 0115 8512000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council | 08000 232334 | nrswa.team@knowsley.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Lancashire County Council | 0300 1236780 | lhsstreetworks@lancashire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Last Mile Asset Management | 0330 0431596 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Last Mile Electricity Limited (Formerly Global Utility Connections) | 0800 8048688 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Leeds City Council | 0113 376 0499 | general.enquiries@leeds.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Leeds City Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | streetworks.coordin@leeds.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Leep Utilities Electric | 0300 3733540 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Leicester City Council | 0116 299 5665 | networkmanagement@leicester.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Lightning Fibre | 01323 380260 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Lightspeed Network Ltd | 01775 830830 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Lincolnshire County Council | 01522 553020 | NMCompliance@lincolnshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Lit Fibre Group Ltd (Formerly Broadreach Networks Limited) | 0330 460 4610 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Liverpool City Council | 0151 233 3001 | streetworks@liverpool.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Barking And Dagenham | 020 8215 3000 | Streetworks@lbbd.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Barnet | 0208 3592000 | NRSWA@barnet.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Bexley | 020 8303 7171 | customer.services@bexley.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Brent | 0208 9371234 | Highwaysmanagement@brent.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Bromley | 0300 303 8671 | traffic@bromley.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Camden | 020 7974 4444 | safetravel@camden.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Croydon | 020 8726 6000 | streetworks@croydon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Croydon (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | trafficmanagement@croydon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Hackney | 020 83562379 | streetworks@hackney.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Hammersmith & Fulham | 020 8748 9787 | londonpermitscheme@lbhf.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Haringey | 020 8489 0000 | traffic.orders@haringey.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Harrow | 020 8863 5611 | nrswa@harrow.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Harrow (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 020 8736 6072 | transportation@harrow.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Hillingdon | 07971 140285 | roadnetworkmanagement@hillingdon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Lambeth | 020 7926 9000 | streetworks@lambeth.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Lambeth (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | t&hcallcentre@lambeth.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Lewisham | 0208 3146000 | BusinessSupportHighways@lewisham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Merton | 020 8543 9750 | trafficandhighways@merton |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Merton (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 020 8274 4901 | Network.Co-ordination@merton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Newham | 0208 4302000 | NRSWA.Admin@newham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Redbridge | 0208 7985897 | highways.streetworks@redbridge.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames | 0208 8718872 | network.management@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Southwark | 020 7525 2000 | highways@southwark.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Southwark (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | transport@southwark.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Sutton | 020 8770 5000 | streetworks@sutton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Sutton (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | contactcentre@sutton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Tower Hamlets | 020 73647070 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Waltham Forest | 020 8496 3000 | nrswa.admin@walthamforest.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Waltham Forest (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highways.admin@walthamforest.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
London Borough Of Wandsworth | 0208 8718872 | streetworks@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Lumen Technologies Inc | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Luton Borough Council | 0300 7900346 | streetworks@luton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Luton Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01582 510333 | highways@luton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Manchester City Council | Not available | gmraps@manchester.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Manweb | Not available | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Medway Council | 01634 304400 | streetworks@medway.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council | 01685 385231 | highways.customercare@merthyr.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Middlesbrough Borough Council | 01642 726001 | streetworks@middlesbrough.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Milton Keynes City Council | 01908 226699 | streetworks@milton-keynes.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Milton Keynes City Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01908 252353 | customerservices@milton-keynes.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Monmouthshire County Council | 0300 123 1055 | streetworks@monmouthshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Monmouthshire County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01633 644644 | traffic@monmouthshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
MS3 Networks Ltd | 01482 736133 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Mua Electricity Limited | 0800 0114193 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Mua Gas Limited | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
National Gas Transmission | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
National Grid | 0800 6783105 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid | 0800 6783105 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) | 0800 6783105 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Distribution (South Wales) | 0800 6783105 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Distribution (South West) | 0800 6783105 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Distribution (West Midlands) | 0800 6783105 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Distribution Telecoms | 0330 1235510 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
National Grid Electricity Transmission | 0800 6783105 | customerservice@nationalgrid.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
National Highways | 0117 3165723 | southwestroadspace@nationalhighways.co.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
National Highways | 0300 1235000 | info@nationalhighways.co.uk |
Highways Authority |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council | 01639 686868 | streetworks@npt.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | environment@npt.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Neoscorp Ltd | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Netomnia Limited | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Network Rail | 03457 114141 | streetworks.western@networkrail.co.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Newcastle City Council | 0191 2787878 | streetworks@newcastle.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Nexfibre Networks Limited | 0333 0005925 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Nextgenaccess Ltd | 0333 9962100 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
NGN | 0800 0407766 | customercare@northerngas.co.uk |
Utility: Gas |
England |
false | |
Norfolk County Council | 0344 800 8020 | streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Norfolk County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | information@norfolk.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North & Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency (NMWTRA) | 0300 1231213 | streetworks@nmwtra.org.uk |
Trunk Road Agent |
Wales |
false | |
North East Lincolnshire Council | 07385 111523 | Streetworks@nelincs.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Lincolnshire Council | 01724 276444 | network.management@northlincs.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Lincolnshire Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01724 297000 | customerservice@northlincs.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Northamptonshire Council | 0300 126 3000 | regulations@northnorthants.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Northamptonshire Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | nrswaadmin@northnorthants.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Somerset Council | 01934 622669 | streetworks@n-somerset.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Tyneside Council | 07394 413220 | streetworks@northtyneside.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
North Yorkshire Council | Not available | streetworks@northyorks.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Northern Gas Networks | 0800 0407766 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England |
false | |
Northern Powergrid | 0800 375675 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc | 0800 668877 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc | 0800 375675 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
Northumberland County Council | 0345 6006400 | streetworks@northumberland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Northumbrian Water | 0345 7171100 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Nottingham City Council | 0115 9152222 | highway.management@nottinghamcity.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Nottinghamshire County Council | 01253 502776 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
NWL | 0345 0717100 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
NWP Street Ltd (Formerly New World Payphones Ltd) | 0800 7313699 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Nynet Ltd | 01423 598210 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
O2 (UK) Limited | 020 82393902 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
OGI | 02920 022303 | net-ops@ogi.wales |
Communications Service Provider |
Wales |
false | |
Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council | 0161 7704580 | streetworks@oldham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Open Fibre Networks Limited | 02921 678550 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Open Infra Ltd | 0808 1750904 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Openreach | 0800 0232023 | Not available | Not available |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Optical Fibre Infrastructure Limited | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Optimal Power Networks | 0800 1076930 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Orbital Net Ltd | 0330 3244444 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Orsted Hornsea Project Three (UK) Limited | 0800 1582354 | Not available |
Utility: Offshore Wind Farm |
England |
false | |
Oxfordshire County Council | 01223 846731 | Streetworks_enquiries@oxfordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Pembrokeshire County Council | 0345 6015522 | streetcare@pembrokeshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Pembrokeshire County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01437 764551 | enquiries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Peterborough City Council | 0845 604 3127 | streetworks@peterborough.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Peterborough City Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | trafficregulation@peterborough.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Pine Media | 0114 2991699 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Plymouth City Council | 01752 668000 | rsb@plymouth.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Portsmouth City Council | 02392 310955 | pfi@colas.co.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Portsmouth Waterworks Company | 023 92477999 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Powys County Council | 01597 827005 | tls.helpdesk@powys.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Quickline Communications Ltd | 01482 247365 (option 1) | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Railsite Telecom Limited | 01483 286403 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Reading Borough Council | 0118 937 3737 | street.works@reading.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Redcar And Cleveland Borough Council | 07771 973206 | raswa@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council | 01443 425001 | streetworks@rctcbc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | CustomerServices@rctcbc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Riverside Energy Park Ltd | 0207 4175219 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Rochdale Borough Council | 0300 303 8875 | highways@rochdale.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council | 01709 336003 | customerservices@rotherham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Royal Borough Of Greenwich | 07860 507 452 | street.works@royalgreenwich.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Royal Borough Of Kensington And Chelsea | 020 7361 3000 | notices@rbkc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Royal Borough Of Kingston Upon Thames | 020 8547 5800 | NRSWA_team@kingston.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Royal Borough Of Windsor And Maidenhead | 01753 853517 | highways@rbwm.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Rutland County Council | 01858 464499 | highways@rutland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Rutland County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01572 722 577 | enquiries@rutland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Salford City Council | 0161 474 5555 | street.works@salford.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council | 07867 506556 | Highway_permits@sandwell.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Scottish And Southern Power Distribution (SSEPD) | 0800 9808423 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council | 0151 9226107 | streetworks@sefton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
SES Water | 01737 919377 | controlroom@seswater.co.uk |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
SES Water (Formerly Sutton & East Surrey Water Company) | 0300 1231213 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Severn Trent Water | 0800 7834444 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
SGN | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England |
false | |
Sheffield City Council | 0114 273 4567 | highways@sheffield.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Shropshire Council | 0345 678 9006 | streetworks@shropshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Sky Telecommunications Services Ltd (Formerly Easynet Telecommunications Ltd) | 0333 7595204 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Slough Borough Council | 07934 292895 | street.works@slough.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council | 0121 704 8000 | Highwaypermits@solihull.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Somerset Council | Not available | streetworks@somerset.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
South East Water | 0333 0000365 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
South Gloucestershire Council | 01454 863970 | streetworks@southglos.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
South Staffordshire Water | 0800 3891011 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
South Tyneside Council | 0191 427 7000 | Street.works@southtyneside.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
South Wales Trunk Road Agents (SWTRA) | 0300 1231213 | s.works@southwales-tra.gov.uk |
Trunk Road Agent |
Wales |
false | |
South West Water | 0344 3462020 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Southampton City Council | 07966 895209 | southampton@balfourbeatty.com |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Southend-On-Sea City Council | 01702 215000 | council@southend.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Southern Gas Networks Plc | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Scotland |
false | |
Southern Water | 0330 3030368 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
SPEnergy Networks | 0330 1010250 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales |
false | |
Spring Fibre Limited | 0800 0061555 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Squire Energy Limited | 01372 360607 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
SSEN | 08000 708090 | nrswa@sse.com |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
St. Helens Council | 0161 342 2222 | streetworks@sthelens.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Staffordshire County Council | 0300 111 8000 | trafficandnetwork@staffordshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Stark Infra – Electric | 0800 9661002 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | 0161 474 5555 | streetworks.coord@stockport.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council | 01642 528989 | streetworkspermits@stockton.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Stoke-On-Trent City Council | Not available | streetworks@stoke.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Suffolk County Council | 0345 606 6171 | networkassurance@suffolk.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Sunderland City Council | 07915 531999 | permits@sunderland.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Surrey County Council | 0330 3332113 | streetworks@surreycc.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Swindon Borough Council | 01793 466453 | streetworks@swindon.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Swish Fibre Ltd | 0800 0489415 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
TalkTalk Communications Limited | 0345 1720088 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council | 0161 3423333 | streetworks@tameside.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Telcom UK | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Telford & Wrekin Council | 03451 559955 | streetworks@telford.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Telford & Wrekin Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | 01952 38400 | highways@telford.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Thames Tideway Tunnel Ltd | 08000 308080 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Thames Water | 0800 0093961 | customercentre24hrteam@thameswater.co.uk |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Thurrock Council | 01375 372 468 | general.enquiries@thurrock.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Toob Ltd | 023 93009300 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Torbay Council | 01803 701312 | streetworks@torbay.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Torfaen County Borough Council | 01495 762200 | your.call@torfaen.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council | Not available | traffordstreetworks@amey.co.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Trooli Ltd | 0333 344 6601 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Truespeed Communications Ltd | 01225 300370 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
UK Power Distribution Ltd | 03303 209899 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
UK Power Networks Eastern & London | 03303 209899 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
UK Power Networks South Eastern | 03303 209899 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England |
false | |
United Utilities Water Ltd | 0345 6723723 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
UPP (Corporation Limited) | 01733 836193 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Vale Of Glamorgan Council | 01446 700111 | networkmanagement@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Vattenfall Networks Limited | 020 78327998 | Not available |
Utility: Electricity |
England Scotland |
false | |
Vattenfall Wind Power Limited | 020 78327998 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Scotland |
false | |
Veolia Water Outsourcing Ltd | 020 78125000 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Verizon Business | 0800 8374966 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Virgin Media | 0333 0005925 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Vodafone | 0333 3040762 | defects@vodafone.com |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Vodafone Group | 0333 3040762 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Voneus Limited | 0333 8804141 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland |
false | |
Vorboss Limited | 020 3582 8500 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
VX Fiber Limited | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Wales And West Utilities Ltd | 0800 111999 | Not available |
Utility: Gas |
England Wales |
false | |
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council | 01922 650000 | nrswa@walsall.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | trafficmanagement@walsall.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Warrington Borough Council | Not available | roadworks@warrington.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Warwickshire County Council | 01926 412 515 | streetworks@warwickshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Warwickshire County Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | countyhighways@warwickshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Welsh Water (clean 24hrs) | 0800 052 0130 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
Wales |
false | |
Welsh Water (sewage) | 0800 0853968 | dcww.streetworks@dwrcymru.com |
Utility: Water |
Wales |
false | |
Wessex Internet Limited | 0333 240 7997 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Wessex Water | 0345 6004600 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
West Berkshire Council | 01635 42161 | streetworks@westberks.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
West Northamptonshire Council | 01604 651074 | regulations.ncc@westnorthants.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
West Northamptonshire Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highways.ncc@westnorthants.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
West Sussex County Council | 01243 642105 | networkcoordination@westsussex.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Westmorland And Furness Council | 0300 3733300 | streetworks.WandF@cumbria.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Whyfibre Limited | 020 7317 6829 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council | 01942 404040 | streetworks@wigan.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Wightfibre Ltd (Previously Isle Of Wight Cable And Telephone Co Ltd) | 01983 300000 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Wildanet | 0800 0699906 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Wiltshire Council | 0300 4560105 | streetworks@wiltshire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Wirral Borough Council | 0151 6477810 | ts-streetworks@wirral.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Wokingham Borough Council | 0800 212111 | streetworks@wokingham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Worcestershire County Council (Redditch & Bromsgrove ) | 07921 309278 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Worcestershire County Council (Worcester City & Mhdc) | 07875 033759 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Worcestershire County Council (Wychavon) | 07774 972567 | Not available |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Worcestershire County Council (Wyre Forest) | 07894 599011 | NRSWA@worcestershire.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
England |
false | |
Wrexham County Borough Council | 01978 292055 | highwayroadworks@wrexham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
Wrexham County Borough Council (Bridge Engineer/Misc) | Not available | highwaymaintenance@wrexham.gov.uk |
Highways Authority |
Wales |
false | |
X-Fibre Ltd | 0333 8803720 | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Yesfibre Ltd | Not available | Not available |
Communications Service Provider |
England |
false | |
Yorkshire Water | 0800 573553 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false | |
Zzoomm Plc | 0333 311 9933 | Not available |
Utility: Water |
England |
false |
Showing 1 to 386 of 386 entries