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General (S1.1)

This Code incorporates terminology introduced under the BS EN series of standards for asphalt, concrete, unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures.
An undertaker executing street works must comply with this Code and guarantee the performance of the reinstatement for the relevant guarantee period.
Reinstatement must be carried out using a permitted method incorporating the highest degree of interim or permanent reinstatement, as considered appropriate for the circumstances in the opinion of the undertaker.
If, at any time during a guarantee period, the reinstatement fails any relevant requirements in S2, of this Code, then the undertaker must carry out remedial action to restore it to a compliant condition. An interim reinstatement must normally be made permanent within six months.
When it is discovered at any time that the reinstatement does not conform to a requirement in this Code, other than those detailed in S2, then remedial work must be assessed in accordance with S12. In this case the guarantee period will not commence until the remedial works have occurred.
The requirements of this Code apply to streets that are maintainable at public expense. In the case of all other streets, only the parts of the Code relating to “surround to apparatus” and “backfill” apply. Surfacing layers should be reinstated to match existing construction as far as is reasonably practicable. The exception to this is where options are provided within this Code for selection of asphalt surfaces, including details of where they may be used. In all cases, reinstatement must be to the reasonable satisfaction of the street manager. Specific provisions are given for high amenity areas (S1.4.2) in this Code.