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This guidance sets out the specification for reinstating pavements following the installation of cable channels that cut through or across public footways.

It is an addendum to the Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways (SROH), 4th edition.

The addendum:

  • Sets standards for reinstatements following the installation of cable channels for electric vehicle charging on public footways. It does not cover the standards for the cable channel apparatus or its use in other scenarios.
  • Lists some issues that need to be considered, such as skid resistance, strength, durability, trip hazards, usability, ownership, maintenance, liability, and access to underlying assets.
  • Refers to a guidance document for local authorities on cross pavement solutions for charging electric vehicles, which provides more information on cable channels.

A cable channel is apparatus that cuts across or through a public footway for the sole purpose of housing an electric vehicle (EV) charging cable, for the supply of electricity to the EV. Cable channels are mainly intended to be used by residents without access to offstreet parking, to connect a domestic chargepoint to an on-street parked EV.

This addendum to the SROH is intended to provide standards for cable channels that cut across footways and footpaths. It excludes cycle tracks, carriageways, verges and unmade ground as inserting EV charging cables into channels in these scenarios could be unsafe. This is because the user of the cable channel may not be aware of the potential danger to cycle or vehicular traffic from inserting a cable into the channel, and standing over the channel for a time.

Standards for the cable channel apparatus itself are not covered in this addendum.. We do advise, however, that those developing apparatus for insertion into public footways should consider the following (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Skid resistance of the surface;
  • Strength and durability (will it support vehicle loading without breaking or rocking and withstand repeated use and extreme weather);
  • Trip hazards and gaps (see “Inclusive mobility: making transport accessible for passengers and pedestrians”)
  • Usability (easy for vulnerable users)
  • Ownership arrangements;
  • Maintenance and ongoing liability, including use, misuse and vandalism;
  • Access to underlying assets, which may require the removal and replacement of the cable channel.

More guidance on cable channels can be found in “Guidance for local authorities on cross pavement solutions for charging electric vehicles”.

This guidance includes the original text from the SROH for context, as well as amendments and additions to cover cable channels. Additional clauses are indicated by an 'a' in the section number, for example 'S1.8.2a'.