Road plates may be required to bridge excavations in order to open the carriageway to traffic, e.g. during traffic-sensitive periods, at night or at weekends. The use of road plates should be planned in advance. An assessment will be required to identify the appropriate size and thickness of plate to be used. Consideration may also be given to the plating of open excavations within the works area.
Road plates must be made of suitable material with an appropriate skid-resistant surface. Their installation must not present a hazard to cyclists or motorcyclists.
The sides of the excavations must be suitably supported beneath the road plates, which must be rigidly secured to the road surface. Road plates must have chamfered edges, integral ramps, be sunk into the surface or have a suitable bitumastic material to provide a ramp to the plate level. Where ramps exceed 15 mm in height, appropriate ramp warning signs should be used.
As an alternative to plating, interim reinstatement should be considered. Reinstatements must be in accordance with the relevant specification that applies in the part of the UK in which you are working.
Warning: The use of road plates must always be authorised by your supervisor, manager or other competent person who will decide on the appropriate size and strength of plate to be used. This will depend on the width of excavation to be spanned and the type and speed of traffic expected to use the plates.