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Introduction (A9.1)

New or alternative reinstatement materials (ARMs) and alternative technologies (ATs) may be developed for use in street works. ARMs and ATs might be used to improve safety or reduce disruption, cost, noise or other environmental impacts.
There are three groups of ARMs:
  1. Structural materials for reinstatements (SMRs, see A9.1.3)
  2. Treated materials for fills (TMFs, see A9.1.4 and A9.1.5)
  3. Other types of ARM, for example bituminous bound products (e.g. asphalt surfacing) that do not fit within the classification or application within A9.1. These can be used if they meet the performance requirements of this Code, are supported by a Quality System (A9.2.2) and are approved via A9 trials (see A9.5).
SMRs include proprietary or alternative bound reinstatement materials that have a bituminous, cementitious, chemical or hydraulic binder or are inherently self-cementing. SMRs are categorised as follows:
  1. Flowable SMRs (FSMRs)
    • PMMA and FCR complying with A2.5 are not FSMRs and are not required to comply with A9.
    • With the above exceptions, FSMRs comprise any type or combination of aggregates and binders that are flowable and do not normally require compaction.
    • FSMRs may be used by agreement with the authority following the procedure detailed in A9.5.
    • Layer thickness and compressive strength requirements must be in accordance with Table A9.1.
  2. Non-flowable SMRs (NFSMRs)
    • HBMs complying with A10.2 are not NFSMRs and are not required to comply with A9.
    • With the above exceptions, NFSMRs comprise any type or combination of aggregates, soils and binders that are non-flowable mixes, and they normally require compaction on site. These materials may be used by agreement with the authority following the procedure detailed in A9.5.
    • Layer thickness and compressive strength requirements must be in accordance with Table A9.1.
Table A9.1 SMR minimum layer thickness and strength requirements
Layer Road type Footway,
footpath or
cycle track
0 1 2 3 4
Combined binder
course & sub-base
NP NP NP NP NP 150 mm
Base NP NP NP 300 mm

200 mm

Base & sub-base NP

450 mm

450 mm

450 mm

350 mm

Sub-base &/or below

150 mm

150 mm

150 mm

150 mm

150 mm

100 mm

Strength class at 28 days

C3/4 minimum to C9/12 maximum
C1.5/2 minimum to C9/12 maximum

NP = Not Permitted (see A9.3.1)
TMFs comprise any type or combination of aggregates, soils and binders that are non-flowable mixes and they normally require compaction on site. These materials may be used by agreement with the authority following the procedure detailed in A9.5.
CBR requirements must be in accordance with Table A9.2.
Table A9.2 TMF CBR requirements
SMF class % CBR
A >15
B 7 to 15
C 4 to 7
D 2 to 4
New technologies, methods or techniques are termed alternative techniques (ATs) and may be used by agreement with the authority following the procedure detailed in A9.5. These include alternative excavation, compaction and any other alternative technology relevant to this Code.