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Summarised selection process for hot lay flexible materials (A2.13)
- A2.13.1
- Specific to the hot-lay reinstatement of flexible roads and footways (including footpaths and cycle tracks), different parts of the Code set out the following criteria:
- overall class, layer designation and mixture design for HRA, SMA and AC (A2.1 to A2.3);
- different thicknesses of mixture layers (A3 and A7);
- specific requirements and limitations for surface courses (S6.4 and S8.3).
- A2.13.2
- The overall process for selecting the correct materials to reinstate flexible roads and footways is particularly complex at the reinstatement design selection stage. Figure S0.1 provides a generic overview of this process, but to assist practitioners, Figures A2.3, A2.4 and A2.5 respectively set out the summarised overall processes specific to:
- Types 0 and 1 flexible roads
- Types 2, 3 and 4 flexible roads
- Flexible footways, footpaths and cycle tracks