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Summarised selection process for hot lay flexible materials (A2.13)

Specific to the hot-lay reinstatement of flexible roads and footways (including footpaths and cycle tracks), different parts of the Code set out the following criteria:
  1. overall class, layer designation and mixture design for HRA, SMA and AC (A2.1 to A2.3);
  2. different thicknesses of mixture layers (A3 and A7);
  3. specific requirements and limitations for surface courses (S6.4 and S8.3).
The overall process for selecting the correct materials to reinstate flexible roads and footways is particularly complex at the reinstatement design selection stage. Figure S0.1 provides a generic overview of this process, but to assist practitioners, Figures A2.3, A2.4 and A2.5 respectively set out the summarised overall processes specific to:
  1. Types 0 and 1 flexible roads
  2. Types 2, 3 and 4 flexible roads
  3. Flexible footways, footpaths and cycle tracks
Figure A2.3 Permanent reinstatement options for hot lay flexible materials (roads type 0 and 1) Figure A2.4 Permanent reinstatement options for hot lay flexible materials (roads type 2, 3 and 4) Figure A2.5 Permanent reinstatement options for hot lay flexible materials (footways, footpaths and cycle tracks)