Guidance Bulletin 46
Up The Junction! The Use of Supplementary Plates in Advance of Junction Works

The revised Safety at Street Works and Road Works Code of Practice (Red Book) which came into force on the 1st October 2014 states:
If the works are in a side road, place ‘Road works ahead’ signs with supplementary arrow plates on the main route. The correct approach is through assessment of the site-specific risks and then action to mitigate those risks.
1. If you cannot get a full set of the correct advance signs out, in the same street, before the works near a junction in accordance with the distances in the rear of the Red Book you MUST place the men at work with the supplementary arrow plate on the main route as per the diagram below.
2. If you can place a full set of advance signing in advance of your works, in the same street, using the table of distances in the rear of the Red Book then you do not require the men at work with the supplementary arrow plate on the main route as per the diagram above UNLESS through your risk assessment you deem it necessary to provide additional warning.
3. If you are CLOSING a side road and have placed signs and barriers at the junction you MUST place the men at work with the supplementary arrow plate on the main route as per the diagram below.
- DO Make sure ALL your signs are clearly visible, clean, and not damaged in any way
- DO ensure that they are appropriately weighted according to your risk assessment
- DON’T forget to collect any additional signage on completion of the works
- DON’T use damaged or dirty signs.
HAUC(UK) thanks Morrison Water Services in their help in the creation of this guidance.
For any queries or problems, please contact your immediate supervisor / manager in the first instance