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Selection process for hot lay flexible materials (NGA2.13)

Table NGA2.2 summarises asphalt surface material reinstatement options.
Reference should be made to A2 for details, specific requirements and any restrictions.

Table NGA2.2 Selection of asphalt surfacing reinstatement materials
Existing Road type 0&1 Road type 2 Road type 3&4 Footway, footpath and cycle track
If the existing surfacing is HRA or AC, HRA mixtures described on the right are acceptable. If the existing is TSCS or SMA the use of HRA is by agreement HRA 30/14 F surf PMB des WTR2*** HRA 30/14 C surf 40/60 des* HRA 30/10 F surf 40/60 rec HRA 15/10F surf 100/150 rec
HRA 30/14 C surf 40/60* des WTR2*** HRA 30/14 F surf 40/60 rec HRA 30/14 C surf 40/60 des* HRA 30/10 F surf 40/60 rec
HRA 35/14 F surf PMB des WTR2*** HRA 30/14 F surf 40/60 des HRA 30/14 F surf 40/60 rec HRA 30/10 F surf 70/100 rec
HRA 35/14 F surf 40/60 des WTR2*** HRA 35/14 F surf 40/60 des HRA 30/14 F surf 40/60 des HRA 30/10 F surf 100/150 rec
- HRA 35/14 F surf 40/60 rec HRA 35/14 F surf 40/60 des -
- - HRA 55/10 F surf 40/60 des -
- - HRA 55/10 F surf 100/150 des -
- - HRA 55/14 F surf 40/60 des -
- - HRA 55/14 F surf 100/150 des -
If the existing surfacing is SMA/TSCS or AC, the SMA mixtures described on the right are acceptable SMA 14 surf PMB WTR2*** SMA 14 surf PMB SMA 14 surf PMB SMA 6 surf 40/60
SMA 14 surf 40/60 WTR2*** SMA 14 surf 40/60 SMA 14 surf 40/60 SMA 6 surf 70/100
SMA 10 surf PMB WTR2*** SMA 14 surf 100/150 SMA 14 surf 100/150 SMA 6 surf 100/150
SMA 10 surf 40/60 WTR2*** SMA 10 surf PMB SMA 10 surf PMB -
SMA 6 surf PMB* WTR2*** SMA 10 surf 40/60 SMA 10 surf 40/60 -
SMA 6 surf 40/60* des WTR2*** SMA 10 surf 100/150 SMA 10 surf 100/150 -
- SMA 6 surf PMB* SMA 6 surf PMB* -
- SMA 6 surf 40/60* SMA 6 surf 40/60* -
- SMA 6 surf 100/150* SMA 6 surf 100/150* -
If the existing surfacing is AC the AC mixtures described on the right are acceptable AC10 close surf 100/150 WTR2*** AC10 close surf 100/150 AC10 close surf 100/150 AC10 close surf 100/150**
- - - AC6 close surf 100/150
If the existing surfacing is SMA/TSCS TSCS if required by the authority
* Only by agreement
** if trench is in carriageway and extends to the footway (maximum continuous 10 linear m or 4 m2 or by agreement)
*** WTR1 is permitted for road type 1 for locations outside heavily stressed areas